I began my personal study of herbs and plants over 30 years ago. I find it fascinating - enlightening - useful.
Several years ago - I asked Dr. Rebecca Linger to come here to help me with a Horse Camp that I was hosting. I wanted her as a Master Natualist to come to Golden-Are Farm, take kids on a walk around the farm and teach them about the plant, herbs and critters that grow and live here.
Rebecca - is my friend. Over the last several years we have learned together, educated each other on different aspect - but we have also formed a wonderful bond. So when she wrote this book - heck yeah - I want to celebrate her! and her co-author Dr. Dennis K. Flaherty, Ph.D.
It is common knowledge that there are safety issues associated with the use of herbal products. The lack of quality control in the commercial manufacturing of herbal products, insufficient studies into the mode of action, potential adverse reactions of taking the herbal by itself or with other herbals, and interactions with existing pharmaceuticals all contribute to the risk of using herbal remedies.
No product
Know . . .
Over seven years in the making and now finally available.
Written for both the layperson and professional.
There have been hundreds of books published on the medicinal properties of plants, but few have included the toxicities associated with the use of wild herbs as medicine. Even fewer have categorized herbs by the way they affect organ systems in the body. We believe this book will complement your herbal library and allow you to be thoughtful and reflective about using plants as medicine. In this book you will find:
How to visually identify each plant
Detailed written description of each plant
Synonyms of each plant
Chemical constituents of each plant
Pharmacological actions of each plant
Beneficial effects of each plant
Adverse effects of each plant
Dosage use for each plant
How to prepare herbs for use
Herb-drug interactions for each plant
Herb-herb interactions for each plant
Methods used to administer herbal medicines
Bioactive plant and herb extracts
Physiological effects of plant extracts discussed
and more.
What you find herein is presented solely for educational purposes. You should consult your physician before using any medicinal plants or extracts. In addition to educating plant and herb enthusiasts this book is a beneficial resource for herbalists, foragers, physicians, hospitals, academics, students, libraries and poison control centers. Click on images to the left to see how plants and herbs are presented within the book. A unique and valuable reference at any location including home, your yard, school, lab, office, water bank, meadow, field, pasture, on the trail, or in the deep woods.
Part of Good Horse Scents, LLC is the preparation of herbs, botanicals, roots for use as dietary supplements;
Infusions, Tinctures, Glycerites, Syrups, and more.
Tinctures are dietary supplements in a concentrated, shelf-stable, and liquid form. Like other herbal extracts, tinctures can be used to support a wide range of wellness goals. Their effects will depend upon the herb or herbs tinctured, the amount and frequency taken, and the individual ingesting them, so it's recommended that folks consult a qualified medical professional for advice on appropriate use for your personal needs.
Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts.
All tinctures are extracts, but not all extracts are tinctures!
Alcohol must be the solvent used to extract the herbal properties.
Tinctures can be taken straight by the dropper or diluted in tea or sparkling water. Some tinctures may also be used to add flavor to cocktail recipes.
Extracts: If you are using vinegar, glycerine, only water (water used to dilute alcohol is fine), or any menstruum (solvent) other than alcohol, your preparation is an extract, but it is not a tincture. Any spirit may be used, but many herbalists prefer something neutral like vodka so the taste of the herb comes through.
40% to 50% alcohol by volume (80- to 90-proof vodka)
• "Standard" percentage range for tinctures.
• Good for most dried herbs and fresh herbs that are not super juicy.
• Good for extraction of water-soluble properties.
67.5% to 70% alcohol by volume (half 80-proof vodka and half 190-proof grain alcohol)
• Extracts the most volatile aromatic properties.
• Good for fresh, high-moisture herbs like lemon balm, berries, and aromatic roots.
• The higher alcohol percentage will draw out more of the plant juices.
85% to 95% alcohol by volume (190-proof grain alcohol)
• Good for dissolving gums and resins but not necessary for most plant material.
• Extracts the aromatics and essential oils bound in a plant that don't dissipate easily.
• This alcohol strength can produce a tincture that's not easy to take and will also dehydrate the herbs if used for botanicals beyond gums and resins.